Friday, March 8, 2013

The Venezuelan Carnival

By Erin Barker

Carnival is one of the most anticipated events of the year in Venezuela. The festival takes place in the month of February, 40 days before Good Friday. Carnival has been celebrated in Venezuela since the colonial times, especially in the city of Caracas. In present day Venezuela Carnival has lost its importance in major cities and is more celebrated in coastal towns. El Callao holds the most popular Carnival in Venezuela. It was established in 1853, and was originally referred to as Caratel. Carnival in Venezuela is celebrated just like Christmas or Semana Santa (Holy Week). 

The festival consists of two - four days full of confetti, costumes, parades, games, and family activities. Throughout the festival Venezuela is lit up and decorated. In Callao festival goers enjoy dressing up in costumes of royal courts: kings, queens, couriers, and jesters. Also, some participants are known to dress in modern day movie and cartoon character costumes. One thing to beware of when attending Carnival activities is that carnival goers like to throw water balloons, some of which may have been frozen and filled with ice. 


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